A mother's day poem by Georgina Kyllo
I wrote this poem this morning at Sunshine Bay Retreat as I began my day to set out breakfast for the Heart Yoga Training students. I am here with my daughter Samantha and her three month old son Harvey. I love being here too, I attend twice a year to either assist Karuna or look after grand-babies while my daughters complete their training. It is also my time to re-group and settle back into what myself and take time to listen once again to what my soul is whispering to me. This poem flowed onto the paper! I hope you love this poem and also share it with loved ones and remember to thank your own mom for the night time cuddles, the love-soaked smiles and the unconditional love that is always be there. It is this powerful and impossible love that mothers have for their children and grandchildren that is so truly wonderful.
From my heart to all of your hearts Happy Mothers Day! I am sending much love to all the mothers who have nurtured me over the years with love-soaked gratitude. You are my love blossoms.

Love Blossom
I walk in quietly this morning
to watch you sleep
my heart soaked with so much love.
You are apart of me.
I feel joy, love, a ache of sweet tenderness.
Then I see more of you
this new soul sleeping beside you
My heart becoming heavy,
it is so drenched
in this love blossom.
You are peaceful
your heart is soaked with this love too.
Your sleeping breaths
your own rhythms but also a rhythm of one.
You now know this impossible love
of this heart soaked blossom
to fully love
but knowing one day you also have
to let go.
For now treasure this simple moment
I do as I watch you both.
My baby girl, grown and your baby boy
so new but wise.
My heart fully soaked in this tender place.
I leave as quietly as I entered,
bringing this love blossom out into the day
with me.
This love blossom
it is I, it is you, it is the one
who you now hold so tenderly.
The love blossom
is all of us.
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