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Yoga & Mantra

Writer's picture: Georgina KylloGeorgina Kyllo

In this introduction to yoga and mantra, we explore the journey into the path of the yoga of love, Bhakti.

It is a simple and sweet practice that allows the mind to be put in the "park." This ancient tradition draws upon sacred music, gentle yoga and a focused meditation that can inspire and enrich your life.

The first time I went to Kirtan chanting was with my daughter Sarah at a Wanderlust Yoga Festival in Whistler, I actually would describe it as "dragged" to this class! It felt odd, foreign and to say the least maybe a little culty! Yes, I was judging before I even walked in the door, but Sarah was so excited and we were there with my sister-in-law Kim to immerse ourselves in everything yoga.

We sat in a circle and it was quite a large group of yogis from elders to Mommas with babies. The leader began to lead us through a chant, and to this day I do not remember what this chant was. I do however remember my reaction. As our voices connected a vibration filled and swirled around the banquet room, the words were hard to remember at first and I felt clumsy and a bit silly. The chant continued and I fell into the rhythm, I remember singing the words and I began to sway with my daughter beside me and another woman on the opposite side. I felt goosebumps and a vibration in my heart, it was calming and beautiful. I then felt the tears, tears rolling down my face and a feeling of a healing release. It truly was magical and humbling at the same time, it felt like my heart was saying to me," thank you I knew you had not forgotten me." My heart wanted me to listen.

This reaction is expressed so perfectly by Krishna Das. He offers a free video event called Enter your Heart through Chanting Practice. It then reads on to say this;

"Imagine sitting on your favourite beach, watching and listening to the waves as they wax and wane. Each wave is different as they wax and wane. Some rush at you and drench the edges of the blanket before they retreat and some lap gently against the shore. Some crash so hard with a roar they hit the sand, and some are a gentle ripple, barely audible.

You don't attach a feeling or judgment to any one of them as they ebb and flow do you?

You don't react or have any emotional response to each wave that comes toward you. You are mesmerized by the peacefulness--- like conscious breathing as the waves come close and recede." (

Chanting helps you stay focused, devotional chanting which is practiced by many wisdom traditions has been used for centuries as a way to train people to stay present, or as I feel putting your monkey mind in the park. Chanting helps you stay focused, using the mantra as the object of awareness. It allows you to practice the intention of letting go and bring a focus to releasing negative emotions, thoughts and stories that you believe about yourself.

I found that through this practice I began to think differently about myself, my community and how I wanted to live and share my passion and love of yoga. I feel chant is also yoga because I can not change the difficult situations in my life; my family and I experienced so much loss this year and I truly struggled with my mental health. I came back to chant and yoga, trusting its practice to help me be in my seat of yoga while life and a time of a global crisis are all around us. I needed to change my thought patterns to help find the inner peace I crave, and also to help these difficult situations become less painful.

Chanting uncovers who you are, your true Self. Krishna Das says this. " Why chanting? In the east, there is a general understanding that the spirit of all beings is the same. Your true nature resides in the "heart cave," which is the seat of the soul. Chanting uncovers that place within you. As you begin to discover that place, you'll begin to experience a swell of peace and contentment.

THAT IS WHAT I FELT! A swell of peace and contentment arose within me, my brain stopped being a monster and my heart became the voice to come back to who I am. I am love, the mantra created a new neural pathway each time I came back to the mantra, allowing me to tap back into my childlike self who used to skip, hum and sing and feel joy.

I invite you to join me tomorrow at Sweet Freedom Yoga Studio in Salmon Arm for Yin & Chant as part of my Self-Care Series. Discover what it feels like to repeat a mantra with love and devotion. You can register by going to

Are you ready to experience loving presence and peace of mind? If you need more info please email me at or call/text 250-804-3833. I would be so happy to share my experience with you.

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